Boonesborough Chapter
Richmond, Kentucky
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Throughout each year the Boonesborough Chapter supports a number of service projects. We own and maintain a portion of the original Fort Boonesborough site near the Kentucky River in Madison County, Kentucky. We support the archeological efforts at Fort Boonesborough, the maintenance of Duncan Tavern, the preservation of Fort Twitty, and our veterans.
Project 1. Fort Boonesborough
The Boonesborough Chapter DAR owns and maintains the orginal site of Fort Boonesborough. The site is surrounded by a stone wall and features a Memorial to the Pioneers of Kentucky. Names of the original settlers of Fort Boonesborough are inscribed on the stone memorial.
Project 2. Fort Twitty
Fort Twitty, located three quarters of a mile west of US 25, south in Richmond, Kentucky. It is the site of the first fort in Kentucky. The fort is named for William Twitty, also spelled Twetty, who was killed by Indians and buried near the site. The Boonesborough Chapter DAR owns and helps to maintain the Fort Twitty site. The picture to the left features chapter members welcoming Curtis Penix and Givin Fox as they arrived at Fort Twitty. Penix and Fox walked Boones Trace, from Kingston, TN to Fort Boonesborough, KY. Chapter members provided them dinner at their stop at Fort Twitty.
Project 3. Boone's Trail Marker
In 1915 the Boonesborough Chapter NSDAR installed a marker for Daniel Boone’s Trail at the site of Fort Boonesborough. The project was part of a four state project to recognize the importance of the trail to the opening of the West. Over time the original marker disappeared. In 2015 the Boonesborough Chapter decided to replace the lost marker. Working with interested community organizations, we successfully replaced the marker on 5 January 2018.